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[Epirrita sp] Epirrita dilutata ou autumnata ?
Publié : sam. 22 nov. 2014 23:57
par Jenny Scott
Venu à la lampe ce soir ... Epirrita mais dilutata ou autumnata ??
Merci de vos conseils
Re: Epirrita dilutata ou autumnata ?
Publié : dim. 23 nov. 2014 15:49
par Jenny Scott
Suite à mon message antérieur,
Je ne suis pas formée, ni qualifiée ni équipée pour faire le dissection nécessaire pour être certain, mais j'ai lu ce texte que ne m'aide non plus !! Cordialement Jenny
Diagnostic external characters
As described by Waring et al. (2009), Skinner (2009) and Leverton (2000), forewing markings are a useful guide for the identification of this group. In dilutata, the post-median line tends to approach or obscure the discal spot (where this is present). In [/i]christyi, it tends to curve around it and in autumnata it tends to be angulated around it.
However, the course and shape of the post-median line vary within each species (even in some cases from one forewing to the other) and the discal spot is often absent, and these trends should not be regarded as confirming identity. In many places, the moths (especially dilutata and christyi) are obscurely marked rendering external features useless for identification purposes. Whether or not the females follow the same trends in wing markings as the males is poorly known, since they cannot be reliably identified using genitalia features. Therefore, we recommend that for recording purposes only males are identified. If confirmation is required for females, eggs are easily obtained and larvae can be reared to produce adult males.
Re: Epirrita dilutata ou autumnata ?
Publié : sam. 14 févr. 2015 12:13
par Lépi-net
C'est manifestement une femelle, et sans spécimens mâles il est hasardeux de trancher sur des formes aussi peu marquées. On n'ira donc pas plus loin...